
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

January 25, 2004

Crop Circles

Don't ask me why, but I'm watching a show on crop circles. Mainly, I'm too lazy to get up and change the channel. Now, I place no belief in the aliens-made-them theory. It seems to me that the only intelligent beings that are placing them there are humans.

But I try to be open minded. On this show, they keep talking about "highly evolved beings" that are trying to communicate with us.
Tch. Don't be so naive.

When humans discover something, what's the first thing they do? They write their names on it.

If crop circles really are made by extra-terrestrials, I bet it's grifitti. They come down, write their name, and take off. They're not nearly as intelligent as we keep claiming they are. And after they found out we were on to them, they were like, "Dude, let's freak out those stupid humans." And they other guys were like "Yeah! That's an awesome idea!" Seriously, they're up there laughing they're asses--assuming they have this body part--off. And some of them will come back in twenty years and be like, "Aww, I remember the first time I came here and wrote my name right...yes! There! It's still here, whoo!"

Silly aliens.

So anyway. =D
I went tubing at Whitetail Ridge today. Fun fun. Except for the nice chunk of ice that I slammed my knee into going really fast. x.o; But it's all good. I can still move it, which is better than my last knee swelled up time thing.
Afterwards, played some Red Faction at John's and watched the "behind the scenes" play movie at Martin's. Heheh.

Y'know, it strikes me odd that the alien tourism season is only while the fields are near harvest time. Don't you think they could leave marks in the snow, too?


January 20, 2004

Speaking of Red Vs. Blue.

From the Public Service Announcement on why not to get a tattoo:

You are a god damned idiot. And I'd like to prove this mathematically, if I may. Take your current age. Now subtract ten years from it. Where you smart back then? Of course you weren't. You were a god damned idiot. Fact of the matter is, you're just as big an idiot today, it's just gonna take you ten more years to realize. ~ Church, Blue Army.

It's interesting to think that I can look back on a few years ago, and think, Holy crap. I was a god damned idiot. And yet, scary to think what I'll be looking back on a few years from now.

Let's face it. When I was young (Did I really just say, "when I was young"? ...Woah.) I thought that I knew everything. And then, hey, guess what. I didn't. But later on I realized that back then I didn't, but I was POSITIVE that NOW I knew what I needed to know. Also, dumb.
Today (Well, not today today. It's not something I've just realized or something. But you know what I mean. Shut up and let me finish.) Today I've more than accepted the fact that there is plenty that I don't know, and even more that I will never know. Nothing really new. But I've been looking back over some of my first Trillian logs, when I was fourteen. (I've been using Trillian two years now. o.o) I used things like "u" and "y" and "omg." And not in a satirical manner. This saddens me greatly, as I'd always thought that I had given those up long before that. And many of the things that were said in those conversations struck me as funny then, but now, I think I was just a god damned idiot. (Phrase of the day.)

So, three years from now, when I'm thinking back, I'll probably be thinking, "Man, I was a god damned idiot. But hey, at least I figured it out ahead of time."

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January 18, 2004


Well, I can now say that I've been in a car accident.

I hate saying "car accident," though. It sounds too serious. "Wreck" and "accident" all make it sound like there was lots of damage.

Ok, here's what happened. Friday, I was staying after school so I could do my book report on Mila 18 (Which, by the way, was completely awesome. The book, not the report.) so I got a ride home from Martin.

One thing you should know about Ridgeville roads is that they're sanded in the winter to give traction on the ice. But if there is no ice, the sand only makes it easier to crash. And our stupid county has this really bad habit of pouring sand on the road when there's barely any snow on the ground.

Anyway, one particular corner on the way had a lot of sand on it. And we hit it just a smidgen too fast. The car swerved on the sand and started to skid out, so he started frantically spinning the wheel trying to regain control of the car. (At one point, it was on two wheels.) Swerved twice, then flew off the road just in time to knick a fencepost and stop in the ditch. The fencepost only did a little damage, but the left tires were flat. So luckily Clyde, our school's computer guy, stopped and gave us a lift.

I hope they got the car out of that ditch. =/ Anyway, neither of us were hurt, although my head was already sore from hockey, (See also, head hitting against brick) so you can imagine what being turned into a violent bobblehead did. Also, my lunchbox, in the trunk, was verily squashed.

It could have been worse. He kept apologizing, so I had to assure him that I would only be mad if I had lost a leg or something. Also, I made the discovering that "I'd still be sarcastic if I took a bullet to the heart." I just said it as kind of a random thing, but y'know, that's probably true.

Anyway. Fast forward to today.

Oh, right. I didn't do anything today.

Well, I did think about finishing the site layout. But I got lazy, and kind of...didn't.

Why are you still here? Red Vs. Blue has entered Season 2. Go!
