
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

April 19, 2007

It's so nice outside that I don't want to sit in here and do things on the computer, even though they're things I need to be getting done. And my guilt for not doing these things is strong enough that it's keeping me inside and not letting me go savor the sunlight. Together, these forces are combining to leave me trapped on the interweb in a hopelessly nonproductive loop. Also, I forgot to finish filing the other day, so the IRS gets to keep my $7.62. Bastards.

So yesterday I played tennis a little! It was pretty fun, although Nick and I both suck. Also, I cut my hand on the fence so now I have a silly-looking bandaid on my palm. Then we spent a good deal of the afternoon playing Super Paper Mario which is seriously the most hilarious video game on the market today. Also it has almost no learning curve whatsoever, which seems odd when you watch but as soon as you play it's very natural. Probably because the basic controls are exactly the same as they have been in Mario games for the last 20 years? Hmm....

Also, my last post led me to discover the label function on blogger! It amuses me because my posts usually jump around a lot and seeing them summed up makes me wonder about my train of thought.

Tonight I'm going to be going with my Applied TV class to WKBT to watch them broadcast the 6:00 news, which sounds like it should be nifty. And later tonight, I'm going to try sneaking into the Popcorn Tavern to catch someone who's playing there tonight that I may start playing guitar with, possibly. In La Crosse you need to be 21 to get into bars, which I'm not, but I've never tried sneaking into one before and the idea of me getting thrown out of a bar is funny enough that I want to try it.

And finally, a message to [yes, I know nobody reads this anymore, particularly: ] the person who pulled a bomb threat on Sanford [a dorm building on my campus] two days after the Virginia Tech tragedy: You're a disgusting human being.

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