
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

November 15, 2006

The Alarm Clock Terrified Me This Morning

I'm sitting in the Cellar eating french fries and chicken strips and listening to The All-American Rejects' "Move Along" while reading Sam's NaNoWriMo story and thinking about how good of an idea it was to not participate this year. I am wildly distracted.

Last week my cell phone died a flickery death so I lost all my contacts. Cody gave me his old phone so I'm back in business but I've only got maybe 10 people off my list. So if you're somebody you think I should be calling, call me sometime so I can re-get your number. Then I can send you irritating text messages.

Mary [who is a bunny] has decided to transfer to La Crosse! The best part of this news is that I get to tell her I told her so. I mean, that Mary will be with us again.

A few days ago I caught part of VH1's Best Songs of the 80's and it made me want to watch the video for "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith and Run DMC. I never thought I would say this but you must go watch this Run DMC video on YouTube. Something about the Aerosmith guitarist sticking his head through a hole in the wall makes me smile every time.

The Nintendo Wii arrives Saturday! Saturday night and sunday morning will be filled with motion sensing Wii goodness and I bet somebody will get hurt. People are praising Nintendo but wait--haven't they alienated gaming's largest fanbase, people who don't want to actually move? Wait, you can still use your old Gamecube controllers interchangably with the Wii. They've thought of everything! Unlike a certain silly console3 that costs more than twice the Wii and eliminated the rumble feature and has very stunded backwards compatability. I hear people praise the PS3 for it's graphics. For $600 it better have the best graphics out there. Yeesh.

Last Sunday I saw Much the Same at the Warehouse and they put on an amazing show despite the crowd of 11 people, half of which were other bands. This Friday the terrifically bearded Valiant Thorr will be playing there but sadly I have to work. (Martin: I will never ever call anyone else "terrifically bearded" so don't even try it, unless it's ZZ Top.)

Tonight's plan: Laundry! I'm so low on clean clothes I almost wore a toga today.

In closing, I'm boring, good luck Sam (and Angela?) on NaNoWriMo (and anyone else participating), and I want somebody to start a band with me! We will redefine rock. By editing its Wikipedia entry.


At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my number's on facebook if you need it =D

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Angela said...

Stephen Tyler is so fucking hot. Other than his, you know, face. =/

Ahh, Valient Thorr!! Much love! Incidentally, me and Crystal and William Beckett all went to see them at Warped together. ::scratches head:: My life confuses me...

Why is there a question mark behind my name when mentioning NaNo?

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Nice! They were at Warped this summer but I missed out because I didn't know them yet.

And the question mark was there because I was pretty sure you were participating but I didn't know for sure.


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