
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

January 30, 2006

I Struggle With Forward Motion

So here I am, sitting in the library [doing absolutely nothing] waiting for 4:30 to roll around for band.

Friday night I went to the Warehouse and caught The Audition with Inept, This is Me Smiling, and Last House on State.

Last House on State is a local band, aptly named because they live on State Street [or maybe Street Road, which is literally 4 blocks down]. There were two dead giveaways that they were a local band [besides the fact that I already knew]:

1) The crowd was way too excited to see them based on their talent alone. But local bands don't need to be as good to be cheered for, thus, everyone's happier to see them.

2) Their parents were there. =) Awwww.

Seriously though, they weren't bad. Inept was pretty good. Apparantly they had van trouble or something, so they barely made it (the concert ended up starting about 45 minutes, actually.) While we were waiting outside, some drunk/stoned/seriously messed up guy was asking people waiting in line for booze or drugs. He chucked a wine bottle into the street and it shattered, and the guys from Inept went out and picked it all up. I felt really sorry for them, being held responsible for it, because chances are if they hadn't picked it up, they would have gotten the blame for it. The guy wasn't there when we left; I'm pretty sure someone called the cops on him.

This Is Me Smiling was fun, the lead singer's guitar strap came off during the last song once and he managed to keep going pretty well. It was still pretty amusing.

The Audition was pretty good too, definitely drawing the largest crowd I've ever seen at the Warehouse [which still isn't a lot, really] and I picked up their CD afterwards.

Quote of the weekend:
TicketGuy: [Since I had ordered tickets online] Okay, 3 tickets?
Me: Mmhmm, me and those two *pointing to Mary and Melissa*
TicketGuy: Woah, I'm jealous.

FM Static: Something to Believe In
Plumb: Phobic
MXPX: Cold Streets
Relient K: Forward Motion


At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wheres the part about coming and visiting me after the concert....*sigh* I'm just not fully appreciated


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