
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

November 30, 2005

Let's Go

The effect of the title of this is that of a fast song, and then the guitars and drums stop and the vocalist yells, "let's go!" and it starts up again and rocks even harder. It loses something when you type it.

So, as usual, I don't have anything to post. I haven't really been doing anything since I got home, except for playing Resident Evil 4 and I'm really, really bad at that game. It's sad. I think my inner gamer is almost completely dead.

Friday I've got free* tickets (* 2 drink minimum) to go see Allister, Fenix TX (when did THEY start touring again?), Day at the Fair, and Houston Calls in Milwaukee, and I'm hoping Merril's going because we want to use her car to get there. >.>; It should be a pretty fun show. I haven't been to a real concert in what feels like forever, so I'm looking forward to it. =)

Also, we wanted to go see Rise Against in Chicago really badly...but they were with Anti-Flag. It wasn't worth putting up with a propaganda set just to see the good band. We plan on seeing them next year assuming they tour with some decent bands. Seriously, as awesome as they are, you'd think they'd want awesomeness around them.

Christmas is rapidly approaching and I have no money. There are a bunch of people I'd really like to get something, but I don't think it's going to work out. =/

Melissa wants me to go to church with her on Sunday. Given that her dad's a minister, I had a feeling that would come up eventually. I don't know if I want to or not. I don't know what it is about churches, I just don't like them. I haven't been to one for something other than a wedding or funeral in probably two or three years, at least. I might go. We'll see.

I need a joooooob.

Tomorrow I need to get my flu shot and get my cell phone bill reduced. And maybe unclutter this room of mine. It needs it.

I can't really think of a way to end this so LOOK A DISTRACTION



At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not the inner gamer! =O
...mine's just barely hangin' in there too :/
i blame that on stupid gamer boys

and i think you should go too!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Samantha Downing said...

My vote: GO!

Oh and as for the title of your post, if you had written more like "LET'S GO!!!!!" that would have helped with the whole Relient K effect.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Angela said...

Am I the only advocate for you not going?

At least, it's not YES YOU SHOULD GO or NO YOU SHOULD NOT....do what "your heart is telling you" =P, to use the overused cliche, either way. Sometimes it's just not time yet. Sometimes it is.

Either way, you have my support.


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Somehow, Angela, I had a feeling you would be. =) At any rate, I don't think there'll be time this weekend. So no worries yet.

I have to verify the word on my own blog. =(

At 11:41 PM, Blogger The Wayfaring Wizard said...

Well, chris old boy, you know how I am. Some weeks I go to church, others not so much (I'm a bad catholic..*cries*) and I know that you aren't much on organized religion (remembers comment on how cool the worship at lifest was) but I would like to point this out... it would make her happy. And I am ever the advocate for that. However, again, your choice, but if you DO decide to go, here's a littel trick I learned over the years. Ignore the monotonous ceremony, the pomp and all the trappings (am drawing from a catholic experience, don't know about methodists) and just listen to the serman. I personally find them very interesting, and the rest of the time is good for either philisophical and spiritual contemplation...or thinking up new story ideas... Personally, i prefer discussing religion in a group and doing bible studdies to church itself. I don't know, it just seems mroe personal and closer to Him, you know? But I digress....


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