
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

August 04, 2006

What To Do

Wow! I'm behind. Okay, I'll get you up to speed.

Last weekend was my birthday! I appreciate the birthday messages from everyone who remembered, and for everyone who didn't, well...sigh. =( Except Angela; I've cleared her of guilt.

So what did I do for my birthday? I held a party for me and a few thousand of my closest friends in Chicago. I called it Warped Tour. Catchy. Less Than Jake and The Bouncing Souls were there and both played some fantastic shows, along with Rise Against [also awesome], The Fold [who were at a really bad time and sadly missed], Patent Pending [who put on an amazing show on a little stage, and I'd never even heard of them before] among some other fun musical groups. I got a ton of free sampler type CDs and a bunch of posters, which will come in handy, because,

I have an apartment now! I'm officially moved out and living in La Crosse. Which is much less exciting than it seems, because I have nothing to do until school starts up again, except find a job because I need money for this silly thing called rent. Boo, rent.

So...that was easier than I thought. =/ And lamer.

Also, the new Google toolbar weirded me out. It took me forever to find the new BlogThis button. >=|


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Samantha Downing said...

Two things:

Why wasn't I invited?

And why didn't you call me on your birthday to wish yourself happy birthday? It's what Susen did...I thought that's what we were supposed to do nowadays.

Happy belated birthday anyway :D

Even though you're behind again.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Angela said...

Is it just me or does NO ONE in our little cirlce blog anymore....ever?

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Angela said...

And by "cirlce" I meant "circle."


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