
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

May 14, 2011

Typing Without Fear

In the latest Vlogbrothers video, John Green said this fantastic line about writing:
"Writing does, at least for me, require quite a lot of concentration.  And to concentrate you must be prepared to face the terrifying spectre of boredom without fear."
Hearing this made my night.  Most writers love talking about writing more than anything else, and to hear them talk about it, writing should be some kind of transcendental experience.  So when I sit down to write and have a hard time getting out even a few words before hitting Facebook or taking a sudden interest in cleaning out my closet, I can't help feeling like maybe I'm doing it wrong.

So hearing a successful published author so succinctly describe the lonely drudgery that is the actual action of writing was a great comfort to me.  In theory, writing should be exciting.  As writers, we can create worlds and people and plots.  But the creativity part can only get you so far before you have to actually sit down and start the work part.

But if you're lucky, sometimes the work part pays off and you get to make videos and write in Amsterdam.  So maybe it's not so bad. 


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Molly Anne said...

This is so true! I've spent hours in front of blank pages, wanting to fill them up, but there always seems to be something else to drag me away from it. Writing is work! Us writers need to stick together in our procrastination struggles :D


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