
A blog that is sometimes frequently updated, and sometimes abandoned completely, from an aspiring writer and professional procrastinator.

April 18, 2011

Here We Go Again

Here's a familiar scenario.  It's after midnight, I have class in the morning, and I find that the thing I want to do least of all is go to sleep.  I'm finding that as my penultimate semester comes to an end, it's becoming more and more common of an occurrence.

My final semester.  There's something I was afraid I'd never be able to say.  After six years in college, the thought of actually graduating falls somewhere between ludicrous and, well, whatever the adjective for "about damn time" is.  And with my senior semester comes senioritis.  As a long time procrastinator, I expected this--I pretty much went into college with senioritis--but I had no idea just how bad it could get.  Simply going to class has begun to feel like an overwhelming chore, let alone doing homework (and getting ahead is right out).  With only--fuck, less than!?--a month left, I keep expecting some switch to go off that kicks me into high gear and pushes me to finish things, but it keeps not happening. 

I think part of the problem is that I'm taking it for granted that I'm graduating, and somehow believe that it will happen on its own without any input from me.  So I'm becoming much more concerned with the near future rather than the present, being faced with the knowledge that we'll be moving to Madison by June and I'll have to enter the so-called real world. 

At the moment, I'm waiting to hear back from a job interview I had last week in Madison.  If things go well, it'll make things much simpler for me.  I'll have the job aspect lined up, we'll know what area to look for apartments in, and I can try to focus on what's happening now.  If it's a no-go, I'll need to keep looking for jobs while we try to guess where to live.  You can guess why I'm hoping for an optimistic result, here.

As anxious as I am about the whole thing (though I've been told that anxiety for me is roughly the same as a normal person who has become slightly concerned about a trivial matter), I don't want to sound like it's just a hassle.  I really am excited to graduate.  There's just a lot of work involved in getting that far.

I'm thrilled to be moving to Madison.  It's been ages since I went to a concert, and Madison is the perfect place for someone looking to rediscover the music scene.  And I'm looking forward to moving to a new place.  I actually really enjoy moving, except the heavy lifting part--it's a nice chance to look through everything and toss out the things I don't need, and it's a change of environment.  I get tired of the same setup after a while, and our current apartment of 3 years doesn't really give us many options to rearrange. All in all, I'm looking forward to it.

I just need to get that far.


At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Merril said...

well I hope you motivated yourself since then--at least show up for your finals


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